Planning Costs
When preparing to build it’s important to understand all the costs involved so they don’t come as a surprise.

If your block of land is on a rural site you will need to acquire a survey of the land. Preston and Sons are able to provide a 3D model and site plan for your home position.
Cost $1,500
Geotechnical Engineer
A report on the geotechnical aspect of the ground composition on your block will be required for structural design and also effluent management.
Costs begin from $2,000
Flood study
Many areas in Kangaroo Valley and low lying areas in Nowra are subject to a flood study by Council. The study will take into account the type of building, the regularity of flooding in the area and the lay of the land.
Costs range from $1500 and are only truly attainable through the study and its extent.
BPA (Bushfire Protection Assessment)
The fire rating plan is available for viewing on the council website and will help you determine the class of bushfire protection zone your site is in. When the class is determined the assessment will be submitted with your D.A.Cost for this report is approximately $500
BASIX report
The building and sustainability Index is a report that determines the energy and water consumption levels of your proposed home. The report seeks to lower running costs of your home and lower your carbon footprint on the environment.
Cost of a Basix report is $500 - $700
Specific external house colours including roofing
Be aware that council may require the submission of external colours to blend in with the environment.
Landscaping plan
There may be a need for landscaping plans for council. These are lodged with the DA.
Costs are $400 and up
Council DA Fee
A Development Application is the process which your building approval application will need to pass before building work can commence. The costs for Council DA’s are related to the size and scale of the project to be undertaken.
The cost is based on the value of works
Construction Certificate Fee
After the project passes through DA it needs to obtain a Construction Certificate and this can be done with Council or a private certifier.
Cost can vary from $500 - $5,000, based on the value of the works
Long Service Levy
The long service levy is a fee that must be paid to the Building Services Corporation. The fee is currently 0.35% of the project value and the C.C is released when this is paid.
Drawings and other Professional fees
Preston and Sons currently have 3 different designs available for building. The drawing fees if you wish to choose one will vary depending on the floor plan design and layout. Preston and Sons will produce a proposal for the fees that are applicable for any of the above services if you require us to carry them out as well as Drawing and any Professional fees required.
Preston & Sons Designs
If you wish to choose a house from our designs then the exact costing will be provided to you. Once any changes are introduced to our plans we will adjust these costs accordingly.
(note: In-house Designs will not include planning and site costs.) These costs will be determined as discussed earlier in this document. If you wish us to carry out these requirements Preston and Sons charge: Cost + 15% + GST
It is easy for us to deal with consultants and contractors so we would advise that you use our expertise in this area. (note: If you wish to engage contractors and consultants yourself Preston and Sons reserves the right to charge an hourly consultation fee.)
Be assured a job with Preston and Sons is a job “treated as our own”